VIRTUAL MUSEUM „Heritage of the Jews of Lodz”- PROJECT DESIGN


The basic idea of the project is to create a virtual Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz" devoted to the memory of the Jews of Lodz. Its aim is to preserve written documents, pictures and other multimedia materials that are connected with the life of Jewish community in Lodz over the years and can be digitalized. The project will also focus on collecting the necessary documents to inscribe the Jewish Cemetery in Lodz on the World Heritage List of UNESCO and to promote related activities.


The primary source will be documents collected by the Foundation Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense which are the source materials for exhibitions ("200 years of the Jews of Lodz", "Jewish painters and sculptors of the 19th and 20th century", "Ghetto Terra Incognita. Fighting art of Arie Ben Menachem and Mendel Grosman", "Yesterday and Today" Factory Owners’ Families”, "Two faces of Arthur Szyk", publications “Jews from Vienna in the Lodz Ghetto", “Children of the Lodz Ghetto (Litzmannstadt Ghetto/ Children of the Lodz ghetto (Litzmannstadt Ghetto) and source materials used for biographical dictionary of the Jews of Lodz . The additional source materials are documents of individuals from Lodz and materials available in the State Archive in Lodz, the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, the Holocaust Museum in Washington and other institutions that the Foundation cooperates with.


The creation of a virtual museum " Heritage of the Jews of Lodz " is planned for the years 2013 - 2018 , assuming the following implementation plan:

    • The concept and structures of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz"
      • The project of Museum
      • Implementation of a starting page –the presage of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz" (including domain registration and other technical activities)                                                 
    • Preparing the part of primal text and photographic materials along with development structure of the portal and graphic designs of the subpages
    • Creating of the functional, public website of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz" processing visual and structural project Museum along with implementation of the CMS system to administrate content and multimedia materials
    • Beginning to fill the virtual museum with the content and translating it into English
    • Working on the content from other sources (archives)
      • Starting the Hebrew version of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz" (page R2L - Right – To - Left)
    • Implementing the social mechanisms of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz"
    • Starting collecting documents from individuals.
    • Developing the further concept of the Museum " Heritage of the Jews of Lodz".
    • Developing the further concept of a virtual map of Jewish Lodz based on the mechanism of Google Street View (or other system allowing the most realistic recreation of streets and buildings)
    • Introducing photographic materials and tagging objects on a 3D map
    • Continuation of implementing photographic materials and descriptions of buildings
    • Translation the tags into English
    • Implementation of multimedia materials
    • Integration the map with social networking
    • The project of the concept and structures of the Museum "Heritage of the Jews of Lodz"
      • Continuation of tagging and implementing multimedia materials together with the English translation
      • Developing the concept of virtual tours of Jewish Lodz