WIRTUALNE MUZEUM Dziedzictwo Żydów Łódzkich

Our Objective is Labor
Bałuty Ghetto 1940–1944

05. Hans Biebow

Born in 1902 Bremen, where he worked in the coffee trade. On May 5, 1940, he was appointed the chief of the economic and food supplies of the ghetto, renamed in October the Ghetto Management (Gettoverwaltung). Initially, he advocated the use of Jewish slave labor, but when the decision was made to exterminate them, he approved that policy. He strived to maintain the ghetto for as long as possible, hoping to use it for his own benefit. He took an active part in the organization of deportations to Chełmno and Auschwitz, and later oversaw the transport of former Jewish property remaining in the ghetto. After the war, he was arrested in Germany and then handed to the Polish authorities. Brought before the District Court in Łódź, on April 30, 1947, he was found guilty of genocide and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out.